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Cambodia’s Groundbreaking ASEAN Science & Technology Conference to Unveil Cutting-Edge Innovations in 2024

Cambodia’s Groundbreaking ASEAN Science & Technology Conference to Unveil Cutting-Edge Innovations in 2024

Cambodia to Host ASEAN Science, Technology, and Innovation Conference in 2024

PHNOM PENH – Cambodia has been selected to host the 20th ASEAN Ministerial Meeting on Science, Technology, and Innovation (AMMSTI-20) and related meetings in June 2024. This decision comes as Cambodia prepares to assume the rotating chairmanship of the ASEAN Committee on Science, Technology, and Innovation (COSTI). The event will take place in Siem Reap province, following the outcomes of the 84th COSTI (COSTI-84) and related meetings held in the Philippines in October 2023.

The COSTI-84 meeting, hosted by the Philippines’ Department of Science and Technology, aimed to strengthen and leverage strategies for science, technology, and innovation among ASEAN member states. The meeting featured various discussions and subcommittee meetings, providing a pivotal opportunity for collaboration and cooperation.

Hul Seangheng, the undersecretary of state for the Ministry of Industry, Science, Technology, and Innovation, led the Cambodian delegation to the COSTI-84 meeting. The delegation shared the progress of ongoing projects, such as the ASEAN technology management hub project led by Cambodia and Indonesia, and the establishment of a new platform for science and technology education led by Cambodia, Thailand, and the ASEAN secretariat.

Cambodia also proposed two projects for inclusion as 2024 priorities for ASEAN. The first is the “Artificial Intelligence (AI) and robotic automation framework for industries,” which aims to enhance technological advancements in the region. The second is the “ASEAN online education platform for industry 4.0,” which seeks to provide accessible education on emerging technologies.

In addition to hosting the AMMSTI-20, Cambodia will also chair several other important meetings and committees, including COSTI-85, the 16th Board of Advisory Council, the 59th Sub-Committee on Resource and Infrastructure Development of Science and Technology, and the 13th ASEAN-Japan Cooperation Committee on Science and Technology. These events will take place from June 3-7, 2024, and will provide a platform for further collaboration and partnership among ASEAN member states.

The AMMSTI-20 conference is expected to strengthen the integration of science, technology, and innovation within ASEAN. It will serve as a crucial opportunity for member states to share knowledge, exchange ideas, and develop strategies to address environmental challenges and promote sustainable development in the region.

The ASEAN COSTI plays a vital role in facilitating cooperation and integration in the field of science, technology, and innovation among member states. Through initiatives like the ASEAN-UK Dialogue on Science, Technology, and Innovation and the ASEAN-EU Dialogue on Science, Technology, and Innovation, ASEAN aims to strengthen partnerships with dialogue partners and foster greater collaboration in the scientific community.

Furthermore, the Underwriters Laboratories ASEAN-US science prize for women 2023 awards ceremony and the ASEAN techno-fashion exposition showcased the achievements and aesthetics of traditional textiles within the ASEAN bloc. These events highlight the rich cultural heritage and innovative potential of ASEAN member states.

As Cambodia prepares to host the AMMSTI-20 conference in 2024, it is an exciting opportunity for the country to showcase its commitment to science, technology, and innovation. By prioritizing projects on artificial intelligence, robotics, and online education, Cambodia aims to contribute to the region’s sustainable development and foster a culture of innovation.

In conclusion, the upcoming AMMSTI-20 conference in Cambodia presents a significant opportunity for ASEAN member states to strengthen cooperation in science, technology, and innovation. With a focus on emerging technologies and sustainable development, this conference will play a crucial role in shaping the future of the region. Cambodia’s role as the host and chair of various meetings and committees further demonstrates its commitment to advancing science, technology, and innovation within ASEAN.

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Nayan Kumar