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Brussels Terror: Gunman’s Deadly Rampage Ends in Dramatic Police Shootout

Brussels Terror: Gunman’s Deadly Rampage Ends in Dramatic Police Shootout

The recent Brussels attack, in which two Swedish nationals were killed, highlights the ongoing threat of terrorism in major cities and the need for heightened security measures.

In a shocking incident that took place in Brussels, a man suspected of killing two Swedish nationals in a terrorist attack was shot dead by police after a 12-hour manhunt. The attack occurred in the Schaerbeek neighborhood, and the suspect was apprehended in a café. He was rushed to the hospital but later died from his injuries.

Belgium’s capital, Brussels, is currently on its highest terror alert level, indicating an extremely serious threat. The attack caused panic and fear among the city’s 1.2 million residents.

Footage from the scene showed the gunman, wearing an orange fluorescent jacket and a white helmet, arriving on a scooter and opening fire on passersby near a railway station. He then fled the scene on his scooter, leaving the city in a state of fear.

The suspect was later identified as Abdesalem Lassoued, a 45-year-old man from Tunisia who had sought asylum in Belgium in 2019 but was unsuccessful. In a disturbing video posted online, he claimed responsibility for the shooting and declared himself a member of the Islamic State.

The attack had severe consequences, with authorities shutting down a Belgium-Sweden football match and keeping 35,000 fans locked inside the stadium as a precaution. The game was suspended for more than two hours before fans were allowed to leave.

Belgian Prime Minister Alexander De Croo expressed his condolences to the Swedish Prime Minister and emphasized the importance of joint efforts in the fight against terrorism.

This incident serves as a reminder of the ongoing threat of terrorism in major cities and the need for increased security measures to ensure public safety. It is crucial for authorities to remain vigilant and take necessary actions to prevent such attacks in the future.

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