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Breaking: Unprecedented Business Stories and Headlines for December 9

Breaking: Unprecedented Business Stories and Headlines for December 9

Something is loading. Thanks for signing up! Access your favorite topics in a personalized feed while you’re on the go. download the app It’s Saturday, buds! The holiday season feels like it’s in full swing. If you’re interested in different holiday festivities, try one of these 16 unique British traditions, like watching a pantomime, guessing the “Christmas No. 1,” or eating a mince pie.

In today’s big story, we’re looking at how companies aren’t adopting the simple solution for easing worker burnout.

What’s on deck: But first, can you hit a lil’ work flex for me?

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Did you know that more than 80% of people want location flexibility, and 93% want schedule flexibility, according to a Future Forum study? This highlights the growing desire for workplace flexibility, which has the potential to not only improve work-life balance but also reduce environmental impact by cutting down on commuting and office energy usage.

The big story

Workplace flex(ibility)

Uncovering new and promising remote-job opportunities starts with reflection. Companies often discuss ideas like the four-day workweek or paid sabbaticals to keep employees happy. But they’re skirting a simple concept that’s more impactful: flexibility.

My colleague Tim Paradis and I chatted with experts about implementing workplace flexibility and its potential impact on the environment. “It’s about giving people more control over their workweeks so that they can balance the things that are important at work and personally,” Ryan Anderson, the VP of Global Research and Insights at MillerKnoll, told me.

Flexibility can apply to many things: location, schedule, process, toolset, and other factors. However, employers seem more keen to adopt the latest workplace trends. In reality, those are bandages for a larger issue. Kristen Lipton, a managing director at Gallup, compared workplace trends to fad diets and gimmicks, emphasizing the need for a healthy foundation.

As EcoReporter, it’s important to recognize the potential environmental impact of workplace flexibility. By reducing the need for daily commuting, remote work and flexible schedules have the potential to significantly decrease carbon emissions and lessen the strain on transportation infrastructure.

In conclusion, workplace flexibility not only benefits individual well-being but also has the potential to contribute to a more sustainable future. As we navigate the changing landscape of work, it’s crucial to consider the environmental implications of these shifts.

Stay tuned for more updates on how businesses are addressing worker burnout and its potential impact on the environment.

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