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Bracknell Council’s Bold Move: Selling Properties to Bolster Finances and Transform Community

Bracknell Council’s Bold Move: Selling Properties to Bolster Finances and Transform Community

Economic Challenges Force Bracknell Council to Consider Property Sales and Council Tax Increase

Bracknell Forest Council has issued a warning that it may have to sell properties and increase council tax in order to address a spending shortfall of £9.6 million over the next three years. The council, which has already faced two decades of cuts, has expressed concerns that there is “not much left” to cut from services. In an effort to raise funds, the council is exploring alternative methods, including the sale of properties and potential increases in council tax.

Leader of Labour-run Bracknell Forest Council, Mary Temperton, has vowed to fight against further service cuts, but acknowledges that the council will need to find additional sources of revenue. Raising council tax is considered a significant option, although there are limits on how much it can be increased without triggering a referendum. Temperton also mentioned the possibility of selling some council properties, although she ruled out selling South Hill Park.

The financial difficulties faced by Bracknell Forest Council are not unique, as several other councils, including Birmingham City Council, Woking Council, and Thurrock and Croydon, are also grappling with financial challenges. The council has already commenced the process of setting next year’s budget, which will cover the period from April 2024 to April 2025.

Despite the council’s efforts to address the shortfall, Temperton stressed the need for the government to provide more financial support to local councils. She argued that increased funding would enable local councils to improve the quality of life for residents and alleviate some of the financial pressures they currently face.

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