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Bra-Making Masterclass by Fashion Designer Lesley Aurousseau Takes Ballarat by Storm, Secrets to Perfect Fit and Style

Bra-Making Masterclass by Fashion Designer Lesley Aurousseau Takes Ballarat by Storm, Secrets to Perfect Fit and Style

Empowering Women to Create Their Own Bras

Bras are a staple in the lives of countless women, but rarely are they hand-made by the wearer. However, regional Victorian fashion designer Lesley Aurousseau is changing that by offering a unique bra-making masterclass in Ballarat next month. With over 35 years of experience in the industry, Aurousseau is known for her luxury wedding gowns that feature corsetry and fitted details. Now, she wants to transfer her skills from gowns to undergarments, as she believes the art of bra-making is a dying trade.

What Women Want: A Personalized and Sustainable Approach

Despite the ubiquity of bras in the market, Aurousseau acknowledges that many women struggle to find what they truly want in a bra. Fit is one aspect, but aesthetics also play a significant role. Some of her students have allergies to synthetic fabrics, making it difficult to find bras made from natural fibers. Additionally, the increased awareness of sustainability and the desire to combat the war on waste have driven women of all ages and demographics to sign up for the masterclass. By making their own bras, women can reduce their clothing consumption and have more control over the materials used.

For some participants, the allure of the masterclass lies in the challenge of creating something unique and personalized. Aurousseau acknowledges that crafting an underwire bra is a complex process, requiring intermediate to advanced sewing skills. The construction involves attaching a rigid piece of material, such as plastic or metal, under the bra cup for support. The cup-to-underwire attachment is considered one of the most challenging parts of the process due to the garment’s size and the technical fabrics involved. However, Aurousseau believes that the satisfaction of creating a custom-fit bra outweighs the difficulties.


Lesley Aurousseau’s bra-making masterclass offers women the opportunity to learn a valuable skill while addressing their specific needs and preferences. By creating their own bras, women can break away from the limitations of mass-produced garments and embrace sustainability in their fashion choices. The masterclass not only empowers women to take control of their undergarments but also preserves the dying art of bra-making. As more women seek personalized and sustainable fashion options, initiatives like Aurousseau’s masterclass provide a fresh and innovative perspective on clothing consumption and production.

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