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Beware: Fraudulent ‘Certificate of Standing’ Offers Exploiting Hawaii Businesses, Warns Governor Green

Beware: Fraudulent ‘Certificate of Standing’ Offers Exploiting Hawaii Businesses, Warns Governor Green

The state Department of Commerce and Consumer Affairs (DCCA) has issued a warning about deceptive solicitations targeting registered businesses in Hawaii. These solicitations, claiming to provide an “official Certificate of Status,” are being sent by an unregistered entity called “GA BUSINESS COMPLIANCE.” However, a “Certificate of Standing” is not an official document issued by the State of Hawaii.

In the news release, Securities Commissioner Ty Nohara expressed frustration over these misleading solicitations and emphasized that the DCCA does not solicit for any of its documents or endorse the services of any third-party entity. He urged businesses to be cautious and not fall for these deceptive practices.

The solicitation contains several red flags, including directing users to a non-functional “.org” website and references to the “Hawaii Secretary of State.” It is important to note that Hawaii businesses are registered with the DCCA’s Business Registration Division (BREG), not the Secretary of State. Furthermore, there is no such document as a “Hawaii Certificate of Status” issued by BREG. Instead, BREG issues “Certificates of Good Standing” to certify that a business is properly registered and has complied with filing requirements. The fee for a Certificate of Good Standing issued by BREG is $5.00, significantly lower than what is requested in the deceptive solicitations.

To protect themselves from falling victim to these deceptive practices, businesses are encouraged to monitor their information on BREG’s online portal and contact BREG directly with any questions or concerns.

This warning from the DCCA serves as a reminder for businesses to remain vigilant and cautious when receiving unsolicited solicitations. It is important to verify the legitimacy of any requests for payment or personal information and to reach out to official channels for clarification.

By highlighting this issue, EcoReporter aims to raise awareness among businesses about potential scams and deceptive practices, ultimately protecting them from financial loss and potential harm to their reputation.

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