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Asset Servicing: Broadridge Launches Game-Changing Fill Matching Tool for NYFIX

Asset Servicing: Broadridge Launches Game-Changing Fill Matching Tool for NYFIX

Broadridge’s new Fill Matching solution is a game-changer for asset managers working with high-volume or high-touch orders. It provides real-time fill matches between brokers and asset managers, ensuring that they remain in sync and reducing end-of-day mismatches. This technology has the potential to revolutionize the post-trade matching process and improve efficiency in the financial industry.

The launch of Broadridge’s Fill Matching solution has significant environmental implications. By streamlining the post-trade process and reducing discrepancies, it minimizes the need for manual intervention and paper-based communication. This not only reduces the industry’s carbon footprint but also saves valuable resources.

In today’s fast-paced financial markets, asset managers often struggle with end-of-day processing due to time compression. The T+1 time frame makes it challenging to reconcile trades and identify discrepancies before the close of the trading day. Broadridge’s Fill Matching solution addresses this issue by rapidly identifying trade discrepancies in real-time. This allows clients to address and fix these issues before the trading day ends, ensuring accurate and efficient post-trade processing.

The environmental significance of this technology lies in its ability to reduce paper-based communication and manual intervention. Traditionally, execution reports, or “drop copies,” were sent from brokers’ front office platforms and manually matched against fills received from asset managers’ systems. This process was time-consuming and prone to errors, leading to end-of-day mismatches. With Broadridge’s Fill Matching solution, these reports are matched automatically, eliminating the need for manual intervention and reducing the risk of errors.

By digitizing and automating the post-trade matching process, asset managers can significantly reduce their paper usage and reliance on manual processes. This not only saves valuable resources but also reduces the industry’s carbon footprint. The financial industry is known for its significant paper consumption, and any technology that can reduce this reliance is a step in the right direction for the environment.

Moreover, Broadridge’s Fill Matching solution allows asset managers to customize matching criteria to meet their individual requirements. This flexibility enables asset managers to align their trading strategies with their environmental goals. For example, they can prioritize matching criteria that promote sustainable investments or exclude certain industries with high environmental impact. This customization empowers asset managers to make more environmentally conscious decisions and align their investment practices with their sustainability objectives.

The launch of Broadridge’s Fill Matching solution is likely to be well-received by the environmental community. By reducing paper usage, automating processes, and allowing for customization based on environmental criteria, this technology aligns with the principles of sustainability. It demonstrates that the financial industry is taking steps to reduce its environmental impact and embrace more eco-friendly practices.

In conclusion, Broadridge’s Fill Matching solution is a significant development in the financial industry. It not only improves efficiency and accuracy in the post-trade matching process but also has positive environmental implications. By reducing paper-based communication, automating processes, and allowing for customization based on environmental criteria, this technology aligns with the principles of sustainability. It is a step in the right direction for the financial industry to reduce its carbon footprint and embrace more eco-friendly practices.

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Nayan Kumar