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Arnold Schwarzenegger: The Unconventional Candidate Shaping the Future of American Politics

Arnold Schwarzenegger: The Unconventional Candidate Shaping the Future of American Politics

Would Arnold Schwarzenegger make a good US president? EcoReporter segment

Insight Point:

Even though Arnold Schwarzenegger cannot run for the presidency of the United States of America, given that any candidate needs to be a natural-born citizen, the former actor and politician has plenty of thoughts on the upcoming 2024 presidential elections. As a former Governor of California, the famous actor has plenty of political experience and he believes he would make a good president.


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Schwarzenegger, though, is happy with the law the way it is right now, which means that he, having been born in Austria, can’t run.

“I feel like I would make a great president,” he said in an interview with the BBC. “Everything I’ve accomplished was because of America. America gave me so many opportunities and the American people were so embracive, and they just received me with open arms. There was no one there that stopped me from my success. So the only thing that I can’t do, which is run for president, I’m not going to complain about that. It would be a little bit selfish if I go out and try to change the law.”

Are Joe Biden and Donald Trump too old to be US president?

With the election potentially being fought again by Joe Biden and Donald Trump, Schwarzenegger hinted that the duo may be too old to be the president again.

“I just hope that America finds some really young blood,” Schwarzenegger told the BBC. “To me, it is a little bit odd that we are having a battle between people today in their late 70s and early 80s, rather than people in the 40s and 50s or maybe even younger and have them have a chance at this great, great job.”

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