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Arizona’s Child Care Landscape: U.K. Company Set to Transform Options

Arizona’s Child Care Landscape: U.K. Company Set to Transform Options

Arizona’s child care availability crunch is a concern for employers and has significant economic implications.

Busy Bees’ expansion into Arizona’s child care market brings new options for working parents and addresses the state’s child care availability crunch.

In recent years, Arizona has been grappling with a child care availability crunch that is increasingly becoming a concern for employers. The lack of accessible and affordable child care options has led to reduced productivity among employees and significant economic losses for the state. However, a new development is set to change the landscape of child care in Arizona.

Busy Bees, a U.K.-based company, is opening its inaugural U.S. facility in Goodyear, Arizona. This marks the first of eight planned locations in the state, with the Goodyear facility boasting over 13,000 square feet of space for learning and activities. The groundbreaking ceremony, attended by Goodyear Mayor Joe Pizzillo, councilmembers, and other dignitaries, took place on October 12.

The expansion of Busy Bees into Arizona is a significant development for working parents in the state. Each facility will employ about 50 people, creating new job opportunities and providing much-needed child care options. With the opening of these facilities, working parents will have access to high-quality child care services, allowing them to balance their work responsibilities with their family obligations.

The move by Busy Bees also aligns with the findings of a recent report titled “Untapped Potential: How Childcare Impacts Arizona’s Workforce Productivity and the State Economy.” The report, released in 2021 by the U.S. Chamber of Commerce Foundation in partnership with the Arizona Chamber of Commerce & Industry, highlights the economic impact of child care issues in Arizona.

According to the report, Arizona experiences an estimated annual loss of $1.77 billion due to child care issues. This includes $1.42 billion for the cost of employee absence and turnover costs, as well as $348 million in estimated losses in tax revenue. The report also reveals that employers are increasingly recognizing the impact of child care on their workforce. One in three employers surveyed stated that a lack of child care was “a great deal responsible” for their employees’ reduced productivity.

The entry of Busy Bees into the Arizona child care market not only addresses the pressing need for accessible child care options but also brings an international touch to the state’s offerings. Busy Bees, co-founded by Marg Randles, opened its first location in Lichfield, Staffordshire, England, in 1983. Since then, the company has expanded its presence to the U.K., Ireland, Asia, and Canada.

The Goodyear location is just the beginning for Busy Bees’ expansion plans in Arizona. With seven more facilities planned to open in 2024, the company aims to provide even more options for working parents across the state. By offering high-quality child care services, Busy Bees is not only meeting the needs of working parents but also contributing to the overall economic growth and productivity of Arizona.

In conclusion, Busy Bees’ expansion into Arizona’s child care market is a significant development that addresses the state’s child care availability crunch. The new facilities will provide working parents with much-needed options, creating new job opportunities and improving productivity in the workforce. This expansion not only benefits families but also contributes to the overall economic growth of Arizona.

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