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Ancient Beauty Secrets: Romans’ Passion for Rouge Unearthed by Archaeologists!

Ancient Beauty Secrets: Romans’ Passion for Rouge Unearthed by Archaeologists!

The recent discovery of ancient makeup remnants in the ancient city of Aizanoi sheds light on the beauty practices of Roman women over 2,000 years ago.

Archaeologists have uncovered remnants of ancient cosmetic and makeup products in the ancient city of Aizanoi in western Turkey. The discovery was made in shops that sold cosmetic products such as perfumes, jewelry, and makeup materials. Among the findings were various beads belonging to products like hairpins and necklaces used by women.

Gokhan Coskun, an archaeologist at Dumlupinar University and head of the excavation, confirmed that the remnants were indeed makeup materials used by Roman women. One of the most surprising findings was makeup pigments similar to blush and eyeshadow used today. The researchers found a range of samples, mostly 1 or 2-millimeter pieces.

In the Roman Empire, makeup materials such as blush and eyeshadow were often placed inside oyster shells for use. The researchers also encountered a large number of oyster shells in the excavated shop. The predominant colors discovered were red and pink, with makeup pigments found in different shades.

The ancient city of Aizanoi, located 35 miles from the Kutahya city center, experienced its golden age in the second and third centuries AD. It became the center of the episcopacy in the Byzantine era. Recent excavations around the Temple of Zeus indicate the existence of several levels of settlement in the city dating back to 3000 BCE. In 133 BCE, it was captured by the Roman Empire.

The discovery of these ancient makeup remnants provides valuable insight into the beauty practices of Roman women over 2,000 years ago. It is fascinating to see the similarities between ancient makeup pigments and the ones used today. This discovery highlights the long history of human fascination with enhancing beauty and the cultural significance of cosmetics throughout time.

The preservation of these ancient makeup remnants also serves as a reminder of the importance of archaeological research in uncovering and preserving our shared history. By studying and understanding the past, we can gain a better appreciation for the traditions and practices of ancient civilizations and their impact on our modern world.

Overall, the discovery of 2,000-year-old makeup remnants in Aizanoi provides a unique glimpse into the beauty practices of Roman women and adds to our understanding of the ancient world. It is a testament to the enduring nature of human fascination with beauty and the cultural significance of cosmetics throughout history.

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Akash Osta