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Alliants makes bold move, revolutionizing immersive technology investment

Alliants makes bold move, revolutionizing immersive technology investment

The investment by Alliants in immersive booking technology company Travelvrse is set to revolutionize the travel industry by creating a more engaging and interactive booking experience for guests.

This investment aligns with the growing trend of using technology to enhance the guest experience and drive direct bookings, which can ultimately lead to a reduction in carbon emissions associated with third-party booking platforms.

Alliants, a software company, has recently announced its investment in Travelvrse, a pre-seed stage immersive booking technology company. The goal of this investment is to create a “greater” engagement with guests and drive direct bookings and ancillary revenue spend. Alliants joins other supporters, including Web3 and blockchain incubator Block Dojo, as well as travel technology investors Amir Azulay and Alex Grant, in recognizing the potential of Travelvrse’s innovative product.

Tristan Gadsby, CEO of Alliants, emphasizes the importance of exceptional guest experience in driving customer loyalty. He believes that this experience starts even before guests arrive at the property, beginning at the planning stage. Travelvrse’s immersive booking technology aims to showcase hotels in an engaging and interactive way, building a relationship between guests and hotels before they even step through the door. By offering a simulated experience of landmarks and fantastic experiences, Travelvrse aims to resonate with younger audiences, such as Millennials and Gen Z, who are driving significant growth in the leisure travel industry.

The product is scheduled to launch in the first quarter of next year, and its impact on the travel industry could be substantial. By providing a more immersive and interactive booking experience, Travelvrse has the potential to streamline the booking process and reduce the time-consuming nature of current 2D travel booking platforms. This aligns with the increasing trend of using technology to enhance the guest experience and drive direct bookings, which can ultimately lead to a reduction in carbon emissions associated with third-party booking platforms.

In conclusion, Alliants’ investment in Travelvrse’s immersive booking technology represents a step forward in revolutionizing the travel industry. By creating a more engaging and interactive booking experience, Travelvrse aims to resonate with younger audiences and drive direct bookings. This investment aligns with the growing trend of using technology to enhance the guest experience and reduce reliance on third-party booking platforms, potentially leading to a more sustainable travel industry.

Avatar of Nayan Kumar
Nayan Kumar