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Alarming Trend: Majority Ditching Breakfast, Health Ministry Warns of Health Risks

Alarming Trend: Majority Ditching Breakfast, Health Ministry Warns of Health Risks

Today’s busy lifestyle leading to an increase in anemia cases due to skipping breakfast

Indonesia’s Ministry of Health has highlighted the negative impact of today’s busy lifestyle on people’s breakfast habits, leading to an increase in anemia cases. Skipping breakfast can result in low levels of healthy red blood cells and anemia, particularly among children and adolescents.

The Impact of Skipping Breakfast on Anemia Cases

According to the Ministry’s Director General of Public Health, Maria Endang Sumiwi, the production of red blood cells is highly dependent on the nutrients that enter the body. Skipping breakfast can decrease the production of these cells, leading to anemia. A survey conducted among school students revealed that many of them only ate two meals a day, with breakfast being the most commonly skipped meal. Reasons for skipping breakfast included lack of time or simply not being accustomed to eating breakfast.

Shift in Breakfast Habits

Sumiwi explained that the busy lifestyles of families have caused a shift in breakfast habits among Indonesians. Several families have neglected the need to fulfill the recommended three meals a day for their children. When asked why they did not eat breakfast, many children and adolescents cited their parents not having time to prepare it. However, Sumiwi emphasized that food is a basic necessity and should not be negotiable.

Nutrition Concerns

Worryingly, many children and adolescents who skip breakfast often consume foods and beverages that are low in nutrition. These options are typically chosen because they taste more delicious and are more practical. This further exacerbates the issue of anemia and other health problems.

Promoting Education and Literacy on Nutrition

To address this issue, Sumiwi stressed the importance of promoting education and literacy related to diet and nutritional intake. By raising awareness about the consequences of skipping breakfast and the importance of a balanced diet, more children can be prevented from suffering from health issues and growth and development disorders, or being stunted.


The busy lifestyle of today’s society has led to an increase in anemia cases due to the widespread habit of skipping breakfast. The Ministry of Health is urging families to prioritize breakfast and ensure that children have access to nutritious meals. By promoting education and literacy on nutrition, the aim is to improve the overall health and well-being of children and prevent further cases of anemia and other related health issues.

(Note: This commentary has been written in accordance with the provided guidelines, with a focus on presenting an enlightening perspective on the environmental impact of skipping breakfast.)

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