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AI: Meta Technology’s Bold Strategy Sparks Controversy and Intrigue

AI: Meta Technology’s Bold Strategy Sparks Controversy and Intrigue

Meta’s chief technology officer, Andrew Bosworth, defends the company’s position in the generative AI space, stating that the majority of the world’s population will have their first experience of generative AI with Meta. He highlights Meta’s AI-infused chatbots and tools for creating images and written content as evidence of their commitment to AI. Bosworth acknowledges the buzz around AI offerings from other companies but emphasizes Meta’s focus on delivering great and fast results, even on smartphones. However, Meta has taken a cautious approach to generative AI, as seen with the release and subsequent sidelining of the chatbot “Galactica” due to fabricated answers. Despite lagging behind rivals in the metaverse space, Meta has recently seen progress with its immersive social networking platform, Horizon Worlds.

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Akash Osta