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Align Technology Expands 3D Printed Product Portfolio with Acquisition of Cubicure

Align Technology Expands 3D Printed Product Portfolio with Acquisition of Cubicure

a special heating and coating mechanism that enables the processing of highly viscous resins to produce particularly tough and temperature-resistant polymers. This high precision 3D printing process facilitates the unprecedented additive manufacturing of resilient components with an astonishing first of its kind material quality performance. Commenting on today’s announcement, Joe Hogan, Align Technology president and CEO said, “The acquisition of Cubicure brings a talented team and unique cutting-edge technology into Align and will enable us to scale our 3D printing operations to eventually direct print millions of custom appliances per day. Direct 3D printing enables Align to create 3D printed solutions without the added step of first creating a mold, making 3D printing more sustainable and efficient. I am excited to take this important step in our relationship with Cubicure, which began several years ago as a joint development program.” View the full press release.

The acquisition of Cubicure by Align Technology is a significant step towards sustainability and efficiency in the field of 3D printing. By incorporating Cubicure’s innovative technology, Align is now able to scale its 3D printing operations and create custom appliances without the need for creating molds, making the process more sustainable and environmentally friendly.

Align Technology’s acquisition of Cubicure GmbH marks a pivotal moment in the advancement of 3D printing technology, with a focus on sustainability and efficiency. Cubicure’s patented Hot Lithography technology allows for the production of tough and temperature-resistant polymers, paving the way for the unprecedented additive manufacturing of resilient components.

In-depth Analysis: The collaboration between Align Technology and Cubicure has the potential to revolutionize the field of 3D printing, particularly in the realm of orthodontics and dental care. The ability to directly print millions of custom appliances per day without the need for molds not only streamlines the production process but also reduces waste and energy consumption associated with traditional manufacturing methods. This aligns with the growing global emphasis on sustainable practices and environmentally friendly technologies.

Furthermore, the use of highly viscous resins and temperature-resistant polymers in Cubicure’s Hot Lithography technology showcases a commitment to developing materials that are not only durable and high-performing but also environmentally conscious. By prioritizing the creation of sustainable materials, Align Technology and Cubicure are contributing to the overall reduction of environmental impact within the 3D printing industry.

Looking ahead, the integration of Cubicure’s technology into Align’s Digital Platform has the potential to set a new standard for sustainable and efficient 3D printing. As the demand for custom orthodontic devices and dental solutions continues to grow, the ability to meet these needs through environmentally friendly manufacturing processes will be a key differentiator for Align Technology.

In conclusion, the acquisition of Cubicure by Align Technology represents a significant leap forward in the realm of sustainable 3D printing. By embracing innovative technology and materials, Align is not only enhancing its product portfolio but also demonstrating a commitment to environmental responsibility. This strategic move sets a compelling example for the industry, highlighting the potential for sustainability and efficiency in 3D printing.

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Akash Osta